- February 2013 "News You Can Use"
1005 1005 Ridge Rd., Munster, IN 46321 FEBRUARY 2013 Edited by Charlene Stout 836-6999 SEWER SEPARATION A REALITY FOR TWO NEIGHBORHOODS In July 2012, the Hammond Sanitary district authorized the start of construction of two sewer separation projects... - January 2013 " News You Can Use"
1005 1005 Ridge Rd., Munster, IN 46321 JANUARY 2013 Edited by Charlene Stout 836-6999 THERE WILL BE NO REFUSE AND RECYCLING PICK UP ON New Year's Day, Tuesday, January 1, 2013 Refuse and recycling will be picked up one day later after the holiday. T... - Why Is Residential Burning Illegal In Lake County?
WHY IS RESIDENTIAL BURNING ILLEGAL IN LAKE COUNTY? Because of Lake County's proximity to a major metropolis like Chicago, our region is more susceptible to a major air pollution problem: ground level ozone, more commonly known as smog. The thick haz...