Elected Official ProfilesSite Plan Review CommitteeAdministrationCentennial Park InformationClerk-TreasurerStreet DivisionEngineering ServicesTown ElectionsCALEA2010 Comprehensive PlanCommunity ParkProgram RegistrationWater DivisionGeneral InformationMunster Community PoolPlan CommissionSewer DivisonPay Your Water Bill OnlineSeasonal Recreation GuideUniform DivisionStrategic PlanningLions Club Social Center RentalAdvertising OpportunitiesSpecial Advisory BoardInvestigationsSanitationZoningHeritage Park Gazebo RentalK-9 UnitInformation TechnologySponsorship OpportunitiesDriving Violations / Traffic TicketsEmergency PreparednessFire Inspection/Fire CodeBoard of Zoning AppealsOutdoor Shelter RentalMunster Car ShowCommunity Policing UnitPermitsParking TicketsNeighborhood ParksAccess to Public RecordsInspectionsD.A.R.E.Munster Civic FoundationWhite Oak ParkNeighborhood Crime WatchContractor LicensingPublic Art CommissionConsumer Product Safety

Click on an elected official's photo to view their profile and contact information.

Joe Hofferth
Joe Hofferth
Ward 2
Chuck Gardiner
Chuck Gardiner
Ward 3
Ward 5


The Administrative Division is responsible for handling the day-to-day operations of the department.  Our responsibilities include setting department policy, overseeing personnel, managing the department's fleet, upgrading and maintaining equipment, and budgeting issues.  We work together with the office personnel to run an efficient and effective police department.

Chief Steve Scheckel has served as our Chief of Police since 2008.  He can be reached at 219-836-6655 or sscheckel@munster.org.

Deputy Chief Daymon Johnston was named the Deputy Chief in 2025.  He oversees the Accreditation Manager and Investigations Unit Supervisor.  He can be reached at 219-836-6654 or djohnston@munster.org.

Lieutenant Dan Broelmann serves as the Support Services Commander and also supervises the Community Policing Unit Supervisor and Records Division.  He can be contacted at 219-836-6650 dbroelmann@munster.org.

Lieutenant Thomas Kuhlenschmidt serves as the Patrol Division Commander and can be contacted in reference to ongoing traffic concerns at either 219-836-6650 or tkuhlenschmidt@munster.org.

Nancy Nadratowski serves as the Administrative Assistant to the Chief of Police.  She can be reached at 219-836-6654 or nnadratowski@munster.org.

To view our police department's ORGANIZATIONAL CHART, please click here

CP Logo
Located on Calumet Avenue, just south of 45th Street, the Town's largest park offers a family-oriented environment with, a playground, outdoor pavilions, an entertainment stage, formal gardens, a 3-acre dog park, walking paths, fishing, and wide-open natural spaces. This eco-friendly environment preserves the natural surroundings of the land. The 9-hole golf course with a driving range was designed by Tim Nugent. Please click on the links below for more information about the various features of Centennial Park. 

2025 MUNSTER Resident Vehicle
Registration AFTER March 1, 2025

Register Here

Asta 2

Centennial Park "Pay to Park" Information

Centennial Park "Parking Charge Notice" Sample



Golf Course

Outdoor Wedding Ceremonies

Entertainment Stage


Entertainment Stage

Outdoor Shelters

Formal Gardens

Dog Park

Formal Gardens

Dog Park

Pond 1

CP Pond 1

Maynard Lake

Fishing Rules & Regulations


The Clerk-Treasurer's Office is the financial arm of the Town.  The Clerk-Treasurer and staff of eight conduct budgeting, payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, financial reporting, investment management, in short, the full complement of traditional accounting functions.

PublicStuff Online | Download Munster Mobile for iPhone | Download Munster Mobile for Android

Potholes and Minor Repairs
Routine street repairs are scheduled and performed by the Public Works Department. You may request a repair for a specific street through PublicStuff or by calling Public Works at the number at right. Residents may also use PublicStuff to view requests submitted by residents for existing problems. Factors taken into consideration when scheduling street repairs include: the extent of the damage, cause of damage (sewer collapse, blow-ups from heat, etc.), whether the street is a major thoroughfare or a lightly traveled side street, whether or not the street is already scheduled for maintenance in the near future, and the availability of time and resources.

Street Resurfacing
The Public Work Department maintains an annual schedule for street resurfacing and crack-sealing. These repairs take place in the spring and summer months. Please contact the Public Works Department for more information about when certain streets are scheduled for resurfacing.

Sidewalk Repairs
Sidewalks in Munster are reinspected on an annual basis according a set criteria for evaluating hazards. Trip hazards or damaged sidewalks can be reported online through PublicStuff or by calling the Public Works Department. 

ADA Curb Compliance
The Town of Munster is in the process of bringing all crosswalks and curb cuts within its boundaries to ADA Compliance Standards. The Town's ADA Compliance Plan can be found here

Snow Removal
The Town of Munster prides itself on providing one of the best snow removal services in Northwest Indiana. Please keep in mind that according to Town of Munster ordinance, it is unlawful for any person (resident or contractor) to throw, push, or deposit snow, slush, or ice onto any street or sidewalk.  Those who violate this ordinance will be subject to a fine. Residents are asked to remove snow and ice from sidewalks within 24 hours of snowfall. 

Street Signs
Report damaged or missing street signs through PublicStuff or by calling Public Works. Please be specific about the type of sign, its location and the nature of the problem. Since damaged or missing traffic control signs can become a serious traffic hazard, problems should be reported immediately to the Munster Police Department at 219-836-6630. The Police will assess the situation and notify Public Works maintenance personnel if necessary. Removal of a street sign is a criminal offense.

Street Trees
The Town of Munster monitors the health of all trees located in the parkway between the road and sidewalk. The health and appearance of these trees are closely tracked, and diseased or damaged trees are removed. If there is a tree in the parkway that needs to be removed, please submit a request through PublicStuff or call Public Works before contracting with a private company. Residents are responsible for the regular maintenance of parkway trees and branches must be kept a minimum of 6 ½ feet over any sidewalk.  Pruning removes limbs with failure potential, prevents decay, and can help balance or lighten tree structure. Many trees can have their life extended if deadwood is pruned out of a tree.

Engineering services for the Town of Munster are currently provided by Short, Elliott Hendrickson Inc. SEH provides support planning routine infrastructure improvements and major construction projects and reviewing development proposals. 

Please contact the Community Development Department with engineering inquiries. 

Town of Munster Infrastructure Specifications

The position of Clerk-Treasurer of the Town of Munster is voted on by all registered voters of the entire town.  The winning Clerk-Treasurer candidate will be the candidate that receives the most votes cast for that office.

Town Council candidates run townwide, by Ward.  The Town of Munster is made up of 5 council Wards.  All registered voters have the opportunity to vote for a candidate in each of the 5 council Wards.  The winning candidate will be the candidate that receives the most votes cast from all registered voters townwide in for the contest in his/her respective Ward.


The Munster Police Department has been a CALEA ACCREDITED AGENCY since July 2008.

CALEA (Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies) was created in 1979 as a credentialing authority through join efforts of law enforcement's major executive associations.

During a department's accreditation award cycle, the agency must maintain compliance with applicable standards, keep its proofs of compliance up-to-date, and live by the letter and spirit of those standards.  To retain its accredited status, the agency is required to submit to CALEA their appropriate accreditation continuation fees, as well as an annual report.  Reaccreditation occurs at the end of the four years, following another successful on-site assessment and hearing before the Commission.

To view the current CALEA standards, please click here.

To provide any comments, commendations and or other information regarding the agency's quality of service or other information relevant to the accreditation process, please click here.


Social Center Community Park Sign Community Pool
Community Lions CP Playground Rotary Shelter

Located in the center of the town and east of the Munster branch of the Lake County Library, one of the Town's largest developed park offers a variety of activities and is home to many local, regional and state events.   This park offers a variety of amenities and is widely used by Munster Parks and Recreation for programs, sports, camps, special events and special organizations like Little League, Girls Softball and Babe Ruth Baseball. Community Park also is home to the Munster Community Pool and the Lions Club Social Center.  Special events held in the park include an annual Touch-a-truck event, Cash for Clutter Community Garage Sale, and Car Show.

Munster Community Pool
Zero depth entry pool with a diving board, 2 water slides, sand play area, concession stand, shelter, bags game. Perfect for birthday parties and private events. We also offer swimming lessons for all ages throughout the summer season.

Lions Club Social Center
Facility rental perfect for celebrations, baby showers, meetings, luncheons and more!

Baseball/Softball Fields
2 - Babe Ruth Baseball Diamonds

3 - Little League Baseball Diamonds
4 - Girls Softball Diamonds

Skate Park
Assorted skate ramps.

2 - Playground Areas to the North.

Gaga Ball Court

Walking Trail
2.21 Miles of winding trails through the park.

Outdoor Shelter Facility
2 - Shelters centrally located.

Lions Shelter Accommodates 144 people. Rotary Shelter Accommodates 100 people.

Concession Stand
2 - Concession stands located at the ball fields.

2 -  Restroom facilities centrally located at the ball fields and playground.

Parking Area
Ample parking available throughout the park, including handicapped spaces.  Parking is also available at Munster High School and Wilbur Wright Middle School parking lots.

Sign Me UP!
Three Easy Ways to Register!

1. Save Time, Register Online!
 Register Now!

2. In Person or by Phone
Stop by and see us!

Munster Parks and Recreation
1005 Ridge Road, Munster
(219) 836-7275

Office Hours: M-F 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
We accept all forms of payment, including:

CC Symbols

3. Mail in or Drop off
Complete the Registration Form.

Make checks payable to
"The Town of Munster." or "to the organization indicated.

Mail or drop off (Red Mail Box) at
1005 Ridge Road, Munster, IN 46321

Include a self-addressed stamped envelope for a receipt.

PublicStuff Online | Download Munster Mobile for iPhone | Download Munster Mobile for Android

The Water Division oversees the delivery of water utility services for the community and handles drainage and water-related problems. 

Water Billing
For specific information on water billing questions, visit the Clerk-Treasurer's Office in the Munster Town Hall or call them at (219) 836-6948.

Damaged Fire Hydrants
To report open or damaged fire hydrants contact the Public Works Department at 836-6971.

Drainage Issues
If a drainage ditch near your home floods over and causes flooding in your basement/yard/driveway, etc., contact the Munster Public Works Department at 836-6970

Standing Water
If you have standing water (ponding) in front of your house, call Public Works at 836-6971.

Water Leak

Higher than usual bill?

*Rates have recently increased (March 2025 billing statement).  You can see the current rates in the Utility Billing Policies, Rules, & Regulations, which can be found at the below link. 
*If your usage is higher than usual, that will cause your bill to increase also. You may find the information sheet about High Consumption helpful, which can be accessed at the same link below. 


If you have questions about your bill or usage, please contact the Water Billing Office at waterbilling@munster.org or 219-836-6948.


UPDATED: MAY 14, 2021

The Office of the Clerk-Treasurer is implementing new software and the office will be closed on Tuesday, May 18, 2021. Online payments will be unavailable from midnight Sunday night to Monday, May 17, 2021 in the afternoon. Please follow this link for more information. C-T Office Closure for Software Upgrade

We thank you for your patience and understanding.


The Office of the Clerk-Treasurer is temporarily closed to the public. Staff will remain in the office providing all the services of the Clerk-Treasurer's Office to the Town, residents, and vendors utilizing protocols established earlier this year. The office will be staffed from 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. For more information, contact 836-6945 or wmis@munster.org.

For Water Billing information, please call 836-6948 or 836-6949.  

UPDATED: MAY 8, 2020

In keeping with Paragraph 4 of Executive Order 20-26, the following is the plan for the Office of the Clerk-Treasurer to safeguard its employees. The plan was reviewed with employees and implemented May 8, 2020.

Town of Munster

Office of Clerk-Treasurer, Return to Work Plan

 COVID-19 Employee Symptoms Review and Response

 For all employees daily prior to coming to work:

  1. All employees are required to monitor their own health conditions.  It is requested for employees to perform a self- check of any symptoms such as fever, cough, shortness of breath, etc.… (If you experience any signs of illness, stay home and immediately call your supervisor)
  2. If you have symptoms associated with COVID-19, you should also call your doctor immediately.
  3. If you have been in close contact with others and they have symptoms of COVID-19, immediately notify your supervisor as you may be subject to self-quarantine.

For all employees while at work:

  1. If you are at work and start to experience any symptoms of illness of any kind, you are required to immediately leave work and go home; you are required to contact your supervisor as soon as possible. 

Infection and Prevention Measures for all Employees

 Utilizing the Federal and State of Indiana Department of Labor guidelines regarding the control and prevention of COVID-19, all employees are expected to implement the following:

  1. Hand Hygiene:
    1.  Frequent and thorough hand hygiene and washing is required by all employees.  The Clerk-Treasurer’s office is equipped with hand sanitizer and restrooms are equipped with hand soap.
    2. The touching of surfaces, outside of the individual workspaces will be limited and discouraged as much as possible.  Please immediately use hand sanitizer after touching door handles, light switches, copy machines and any other high contact surfaces. 
    3. Employees must limit the sharing of desks, phones, tools and/or workspaces wherever possible. 
  2. Respiratory Etiquette
    1. All Town employees are recommended to wear a mask while in Town facilities and on Town property.  Wearing of masks assists with covering of coughs and sneezes and limits touching of the face.  Please do not pull the mask down on your neck and limit touching the mask when taking on and off.  (Wash hands after removing your mask and put your mask in your daily laundry after use).
    2. Masks are recommended outside when in close contact with others. 
    3. Paper masks are provided for employees; however, employees may wear their own face coverings.
    4. All employees are required to practice social distancing of at least six feet between yourself and any other person for all workplace interactions.
  3. Workplace Housekeeping Practices
    1. Employees will be required to routinely disinfect workplace surfaces you have come in contact with including cleaning desks, chairs, computer keyboards and other work tools daily before beginning the workday.
    2. Surfaces that have high contact potential should be immediately disinfected after each use. 

Infection and Prevention Measures

 Physical Controls

    1. In workspaces where it has been deemed necessary, physical barriers have been installed including clear plastic temporary sneeze guards.
    2. Workflow or employee walking traffic patterns have been developed to create one-way walkways and floor clings have been installed to separate any potential line queuing. 
    3. Room capacity limitations should be observed.  Offices, breakrooms, restrooms, or other rooms may only have one or two employees in the room at the same time depending on the square footage of the space per the Town Manager’s guidance.         
    4. Customers at the customer service counter will be limited to one person at each station and one additional person in the space.  Additional customers will be asked to form a line in the hallway maintaining recommended social distance. 
    5. Where possible, we will limit contacts during customer transactions Customers will continue to be encouraged to use alternate methods of payment such as the drop box, online or via the mail. 
    6. Customers to the Clerk-Treasurer’s office will be encouraged to use the main doors of Town Hall. 
  1. Administrative Controls
    1. In accordance with the Family’s First Coronavirus Response Act, employee leave bank policies have been reviewed to allow for maximum flexibility.

 Additional Resources

 Town of Munster Covid-19 Resources:  www.munster.org

OSHA: www.osha.gov/Publications/OSHA3990.pdf

CDC: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/index.html

Indiana Department of Labor: https://www.in.gov/dol/3142.htm

Lake County Department of Health: https://www.lakecountyin.org/portal/group/health/page/coronavirus

Covid Screening Tool:  apple.com/covid19/



In keeping with the Governor's stay at home order, our office is working reduced hours beginning Wednesday, March 25, 2020. If you need assistance, please call 219-836-6940 and leave a voicemail. You can also email wmis@munster.org. If you have an emergency, call 911. 

We appreciate your patience as it may take longer than usual to return calls and answer email messages. 



During the time that the Town Hall offices are closed to the public because of the Coronavirus, our procedures for new water customer sign-ups have changed. Please call Water Billing at 219-836-6946 or 219-836-6949. You can also email mdeering@munster.org or rlawson@munster.org.


To:          Residents of the Town of Munster

From:      Wendy Mis, Clerk-Treasurer

Date:      March 16, 2020

Subject:  COVID-19

Clerk-Treasurer's Office

The Clerk-Treasurer's Office has been following the guidelines of health officials for several weeks as we became increasingly aware that COVID-19 was a serious threat to our staff and residents. We have been diligently washing our hands, and we use and offer hand sanitizer while in the office. We have been diligently wiping down work surfaces and the common areas in our office area. Staff has been advised to stay home if they have any cold or flu-like symptoms or if they have been exposed.

Our office has numerous stat-mandated timetables we must adhere to and we are responsible for paying the Town's employees. I am deeply appreciative of our staff and their faithful reporting to work each day although they may wish they could remain at home.

At this time, our office is maintaining normal hours. We are recommending you make credit card payments via the Town of Munster website. If you pay by check, use the big red drop box in the Town Hall parking lot. If you do not have an envelope, write the SERVICE ADDRESS in the memo section of the check. We remind you that you can enroll in autopay and now would be a good time to sign up. Click here to enroll or contact our office and we will email or mail you the autopay registration form.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out: wmis@munster.org or 219-836-6945.


Welcome to the Munster Community Pool
8837 Calumet Avenue | Munster, IN
(219) 836-6933

The Munster Community Pool is a fun and exciting
aquatic facility for the entire family. For more information on pool events
or pool operations, please call (219) 836-7275
2024 Pool Season May 25-August 11
Pool Closed for 2024 Season
Regular Hours of Operation
Days of Operation
11:00 am - 6:00 pm
Monday - Saturday
1:00 pm - 6:00 pm Sunday

Holiday/Special Hours of Operations

Days of Operation

July 3  Regular Hours
July 4 (Holiday) Closed for Holiday
Seasons passes can be purchased at the Munster Town Hall,
M-F from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Passes WILL NOT be available for purchase at the Munster Pool.
Gift Certificates are available. All pass holders must be present for photos.
Family Pass information 
available in the seasonal recreation guides.
(To receive the Munster or Highland resident rate you must show proof of residency).
Season Pass Type Early-Bird Resident After 5/10 Resident Early-Bird Standard  After 5/10 Standard Fee
Single /17+ $85 $100 $135 $150
2-Family $150 $170 $205 $220
3-Family $200 $230 $265 $280
4-Family $235 $270 $310 $325
Each additional $35 $40 $45 $50
Childcare Provider $55 $80 $70 $85
Age 2 & under Free Free Free Free
2024 Daily Passes
Resident/Highland Rate
Non-Resident Rate
Ages 2 and under
Children & Adults
$10 $15
Seniors (65 & up)


Must be 17 or older to enter the pool by yourself or to care for others.
 Bathing suits required. No t-shirts basketball shorts, jean shorts, workout wear, thongs, boxers.
Food and drink is not allowed to be brought in to the facility.
Floatation devices are not allowed (life rings, noodles, inflatable tubes).

We offer complementary use of life vests to our pool patrons thanks to a generous donation from Community Healthcare Systems.
Concessions are available for purchase at the Triple Play Concessions Stand.


The Town of Munster Plan Commission maintains the Town's Comprehensive Plan and hears requests to subdivide the property and amend the zoning codes and maps. The Plan Commission meets at the Munster Town Hall on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM.
2024 Munster Plan Commission Members

William F. Baker, President
Roland R. Raffin, Vice President
Rachel Branagan, Member
Jennifer Johns, Member
Joe Hofferth, Town Council Representative
Jonathan Petersen, Town Council Representative
George Shinkan, Town Council Representative

The Sewer Division provides for the cleaning, maintenance, and repair of the sewer utility and reviews and approves all proposed sewer system connections and extensions within the Town.

There are two basic types of sewers, storm and sanitary sewers. These drains are handled as follows: If a blockage in the Town's main sewer line is suspected, call the Public Works Department at 836-6970, and they will dispatch a truck to clean out the line immediately. If the problem is in the service line between the citizen's house and the Town's sewer line, the caller will be advised to call a private sewer cleaning service to have the sewers cleaned at their own expense. If there is any doubt where the backup is located, the Town's Sewer Department will be dispatched to make that determination. After normal working hours, call the Munster Police Department non-emergency number, 836-6600.

Connections are the responsibility of the Community Development Department and Water Division. Standards must be met to receive a permit and install the sewer. For more information, call the Community Development Department at 836-6990.

Service and Locating 
Locate sewers information can be provided by the Water Division. For more information, call the Public Works Department at 836-6970.

Sanitary Sewer User Fee
The Hammond Sanitary District bills residents monthly on the Town's water bill, for a maintenance and rehabilitation program for the Town's sanitary sewer system. The billing is determined upon an average daily water usage reading, multiplied by the Hammond Sanitary Districts rate. The program is implemented in a systematic fashion with a predetermined amount of sewer maintained and rehabilitated each year, as mandated by Federal regulations. If you have questions or complaints about anything relating to the Sanitary Sewer Fee, please contact the Hammond Sanitary District at 853-6520.


2024 WS Cover
Come out to play with us.  We love to have fun!
Winter/Spring Guide (pdf version)

Winter/Spring Guide (electronic version)

Registration is Open!
 Register Now!


The Uniform Division, supervised by Lieutenant Thomas Kuhlenschmidt, consists of eight sergeants and approximately twenty patrol officers.  These officers are cross-trained in many areas to include accident investigation, evidence collection, tactical response, and other important areas of policing.  The Uniform Division has four main functions:  traffic enforcement, crime prevention, evidence collection, and apprehension.  Traffic enforcement is a high priority in Munster.

Regional Crime Report

No less important is the work these officers do in the area of crime prevention.  The hard work and dedication of our patrol officers results in Munster being able to enjoy having one of the lowest per capita crime rates in the Chicago/Northwest Indiana area. 

Please visit our FACEBOOK PAGE:

Munster PD Facebook Page

A number of our officers are trained bicycle officers.  To read more about the Bicycle Patrol Unit and their duties, please click here.


January 2008 Session


The Munster Town Council and Town of Munster Staff met for a strategic planning session in January 2008. Strategic planning is an organization's process of defining its strategy, or direction, and making decisions on allocating its resources to pursue this strategy, including its capital and people. Following are some ideas that were discussed by the group:

  • Train station
  • Redevelopment of Calumet
  • Developing northwest section of Town of Munster decreasing the availability of rentals throughout town in new development
  • Licensing of all residential rental uses
  • Replacing all one-story duplexes on short streets (mainly Manor) to higher density residential; increasing parkland on the northwest side of town; possible development around a pocket park
  • Ridge Road -improving the streetscape; redevelop current commercial into a more consistent look and feel mixed use of commercial and residential with architectural standards; putting power lines underground.
  • Create incentives for significant enhancement of existing properties or allow for redevelopment of properties (keeping it residential).
  • Little Calumet River area redevelopment into a destination park place -open it up as a front for biking, walking, and canoeing
  • Architectural review ordinances; code compliance ordinances; property maintenance codes (business and residential)
  • Increase the depth of commercial lots on Calumet Avenue north of Ridge to allow for more intense commercial development
  • Redevelop Lake Business Center, Carpetland, and Munster Steel properties
  • Create a Master Plan and consider redeveloping the northern most section of Hohman Avenue
  • Encourage upscale single-family development; preserve minimum property value to maintain the residential feel of the community
  • Increase the capacity of Munster High School
  • Increase the perception  of public safety
  • Complete the Calumet Avenue grade separation
  • Widen Main Street and extend to State Line
  • Enhance Heritage Park with a transportation museum


These items will receive consideration during Town Council meetings in order to improve the community with service enhancement in these areas. As information is available, links will be created so that residents can see the latest progress.



Located centrally in town in a beautiful park setting. 
The perfect place to gather friends and family.

Social Center1

SC Kitchen

Lions Club Social Center

The Lions Club Social Center is located in Community Park and accommodates 125 guests. It offers a full kitchen, two meeting areas, tables, chairs and an outdoor patio with picnic tables.

To check availability, contact us at (219) 836-7275, or click on the link below for rental information. 

Lions Club Social Center Rental Information


Three Great Ways to Reach Your
Target Market 
when you Advertise with
Munster Parks and Recreation!

Fall Brochure Cover
Recreation Guide Advertising

Munster Parks and Recreation would like to offer your company an opportunity to advertise in our upcoming brochure.
This brochure will reach over 25,000 potential customers with (11,250 impressions) each season (Winter/Spring, Summer and Fall) in Munster and the surrounding communities. In addition, the brochure is distributed to the local libraries, the South Shore Convention & Visitor's Authority, School Town of Munster, Community Park Social Center, Town Hall of Dyer and other local area businesses.

Advertising starts at $300

Pool Banner Logo

Pool Banner

Advertise at Munster Community Pool this season with a company banner (includes 4' x 6' full color vinyl banner.) What a great way to target families and children. Over 15,000 people visit the pool each season and that doesn't include the private parties and special events that draw another 7,000 people.

Reserve your spot today for the upcoming pool season.

Perimeter Banner          $500
Concession Banner       $750
Entrance/Exit Banner  $1,000

Dog Park

Dog Park Banner Advertising

Advertise at the Centennial Park Dog Park this season with a company banner (includes 3' x 6' full color vinyl banner). What a great way to target animal enthusiasts. Over 250 members frequent the dog park with their families and friends. 

Thousands of people visit Centennial Park each year to play golf, walk the trails, and attend events. Your banner will hang at the upper level entrance from April-November.

Reserve your spot today for the upcoming season.

Dog Park Banner         $500

These advertising campaigns will allow you to reach these important customers to promote your company. Several affordable opportunities available.  Click Here for an Advertising Packet.
Contact Donna Chant (219) 836-6920 or via email dchant@munster.org

Members of the special advisory board are appointed by the Town Council.  One member is appointed by each Town Council member and for a term of four years running concurrently with the term of the appointing Town Council member

The Special Advisory Board works with the elected officials, administrative staff, and other boards and commissions on projects as assigned to it by the Town Council or as recommended to it by the Town Manager, a board or a commission and approved by the Town Council.  The Special Advisory Board makes recommendations to the Town Council and the Town Manager concerning the projects and activities assigned to it.

Investigations Unit
The Investigations Unit of the Munster Police Department is divided into three individual divisions--the Detective Bureau, the Tactical Patrol Unit, and the K-9 Unit.
The Detective Bureau follows up on reports, initiates investigations from internal and external sources, conducts background checks on prospective employees, maintains and files juvenile offenses, and files felony charges.
The Crime Suppression Unit is responsible for conducting assignments which require immediate attention or provide support to other units.  Such assignments may include traffic enforcement, surveillance operations, drug interdiction, and criminal investigations.
The K-9 Unit is responsible for providing assistance with building and vehicle searches along with other patrol duties.  In addition, our K-9 units can be regularly seen at a number of community policing events throughout the year.  
If you have information on recent crime activity please contact one of the detectives or tactical officers listed below or call the Munster Police Department's Crime Tip Hotline at 219-836-1010 or click on the link further below to provide your tip via e-mail.  You may remain anonymous when providing tips.
Unit Commander
Deputy Chief Daymon Johnston
(219) 836-6650
Detective Sergeant Timothy Nosich
(219) 836-6632
Detective Justin Palas
(219) 836-6650
Detective Nolan Archer
(219) 836-6672
Detective Omar Padilla
(219) 836-6650
Tactical Officer Luke Tambrini
(219) 836-6650
Tactical Officer Daniel Balich
(219) 836-6650
crime tip
Crime Tip-Line (e-mail)
gunHow to obtain a firearms permit

Refuse and Recycling 
Refuse and recycling collection services in the Town of Munster are provided by Homewood Disposal Service. Residents are provided with bins for both refuse and recycling. Refuse is picked up daily and recycling is collected every other week. Please see the following brochure from Homewood Disposal Service for complete information including collection zones and schedules:

Missed Collection
If a scheduled collection is missed, please call Homewood Disposal Customer Service at 219-931-9000. Drivers will try to return on the same day to pick it up, without charge. If the driver has already left Munster, the missed collection will be picked up the following day.

Electronics Recycling
The Munster Public Works Department has a recycling shed for electronics at the Public Works Garage, 508 Fisher Street, inside the Public Works gate.  The shed is accessible during normal Public Works operating hours of Monday through Friday 7:00 am to 3:00 pm.  There is no attendant on sight to help unload the computers and electronics.

Hazardous Items
Homewood Disposal will not collect solid or liquid hazardous waste. Examples include paint, pesticides, petroleum including motor oil and solvents, and explosive items. Waste Management will collect latex paint that has been dried out. Lake County Solid Waste Management District has a household hazardous waste collection center and hosts pop-up collection sites throughout the county each year. Visit their site for more information: Lake County Solid Waste Management

Leaf Collection
Fall leaf collection occurs between early October and early December. Leaves are collected approximately every two weeks. State law prohibits disposal of leaves in landfills, so leaves in bags will not be picked up by the Town or Homewood Disposal. Please rake leaves to the curb or up to the street in long so they can be vacuumed by our crews.

Observed Holidays: New Year's Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day

Planning and Zoning

The Planning and Zoning function serves the public by guiding land use and development through zoning, subdivision, and building codes and engaging  residents, businesses, civic organizations, and other stakeholders in long-range and strategic planning initiatives. 

Zoning Ordinance

The Munster Zoning Ordinance establishes standards for the use and development of land. To access the zoning code, click on the following link: Munster Zoning Ordinance.

Zoning Amendments






Zoning Map

To access the zoning map, click here: https://www.munster.org/egov/apps/document/center.egov?view=item&id=3555

Comprehensive Plan 

The Town of Munster Comprehensive Plan is a long range plan with policies, goals, and project concepts. The Comprehensive Plan serves as a guide for land use, transportation, and development decisions. To view the 2010 Comprehensive Plan, click here: Comprehensive Plan

Plan Review 

Plan review is required for all development, re-development, improvements, alterations, modifications, construction, and re-construction of buildings, lots, and uses within the Town. Specific submittal requirements are listed within the applicable permit application. 

 HP 3  HP2  HP1
Heritage Park Gazebo

A Beautiful and Historical Location for Special Events
Located on the corner of Ridge and Columbia Avenue, this beautifully wooded area and historical site
is the perfect setting for your wedding ceremony or photographs.

*Photos by Shane Cleminson Photography.

To check availability, contact us at (219) 836-7275, or click on the link below for rental information. 
Heritage Park Gazebo Rental Information

K9 logo

The Munster Police Department's K-9 Unit includes four officers and their canines which provide valuable resources for our community.  Each of our canines were purchased with donations that were provided through grants or from area residents, businesses, and community organizations.  Please scroll down to learn more about our K-9 Unit.

K9 Unit

Pictured above are K-9 Vader (with Officer-in-Charge Alex Reillo), K-9 Skye (with Officer Brad Riemerts), K-9 Lucy (with Officer Brett Scheffel), and K-9 Ozzy (with Officer Matt Serba).  Vader & Skye are both narcotics-detecting and comfort dogs, while Lucy and Ozzy are trained in narcotics-detection, tracking, and apprehension.


The Munster Police Department would like to thank the many members of our community who have made our K-9 unit possible.  If you would like to provide a donation to our K-9 Unit, please make checks payable to the Town of Munster (memo: K-9 Unit) and mail them to the Munster Police Department, c/o Officer Alex Reillo, 1001 Ridge Road, Munster, Indiana 46321.  Thank you for your support!

Thank You

For more information about our K-9 Unit or to request a special appearance at a community event, please call 219-836-6650 and ask for any of our K-9 officers.

The Information Technology support staff is part of the Office of the Town Manager and reports directly to the Town Manager. The purpose of the staff is provide technology leadership for the Town, developing common standards and business solutions to deliver Town services more efficiently and effectively.

The support staffers are responsible for developing town-wide strategies and plans for investing in and operating Town's technological resources. The purpose of town-wide guidance is to reduce the cost of government, enhance services to our citizens, and make government services more accessible to the public.

The support staff provides information technology services for all town departments, including:
  • Data center operations
  • Network services
  • Telecommunications
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Business application development and maintenance
  • End user support for personal computers
  • Strategic technology planning
  • Project oversight
  • Administration of the Town's government access cable television channel
The staff also provides the vision, leadership, and skills to:
  • Enable the Town to benefit from technological innovations
  • Effectively tools and services to anticipate and meet the business and information needs of the Town.
  • Improve service to the community.
IT is tasked with developing a reliable and efficient technical infrastructure to support critical town operations. One such project is the create a database that will link and consolidate various address-based databases from throughout the town rendering real time municipal services over an intuitive GIS map.

The Town of Munster is committed to providing residents, businesses and visitors with efficient and excellent service and information access. By creating tools for residents and businesses to "self-serve" online, town departments will provide improved service at a greater efficiency.

Sponsor Cover for Website
Community Giving
Munster Parks and Recreation relies on gifts of all sizes to advance its mission to improve the quality of life for all individuals through education, recreation, culture and leisure opportunities. Our "Community Giving" Sponsorship Program is designed to create mutually beneficial relationships and fosters awareness and communication between area businesses and the community.
Please contact Donna Chant the park office at (219) 836-PARK for more details on this program.

         You have three options for handling your traffic ticket.  Click on the links for more details.


  1. You can choose to appear in court and plead your case to a judge.  Under this option, any fines or costs will be determined by the court.


  1. You can choose to pay the fine Payments for Moving Violations are made to Lake County Traffic Clerk.  Cash and Money Order payments may be made at the Lake County Traffic Clerk’s Office at 2293 North Main Street, Crown Point, IN 46307. Payments by MONEY ORDER are payable to “LAKE COUNTY TRAFFIC CLERK”. For your convenience, you can pay the ticket with a credit card online at http://lakecountyin.org/ . Or you may mail your MONEY ORDER along with a copy of your ticket to:   Lake County Traffic Clerk, 2293 North Main Street, Crown Point, IN 46307.  Phone:  219-755-3620.  Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30 AM to 4:00 PM. PERSONAL CHECKS ARE NOT ACCEPTED BY LAKE COUNTY.  Payments for Non-Moving Violations (Parking, Park Rules, Etc.) are made to the Town of Munster Clerk-Treasurer.  Payments may be made at the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office in the Munster Town Hall at 1005 Ridge Road in Munster. Payments by MONEY ORDER/CERTIFIED CHECK are payable to “TOWN OF MUNSTER”. For your convenience, the blue drop box located in the parking lot may be used if you are paying by CERTIFIED CHECK or MONEY ORDER ONLY. Or you may mail your CERTIFIED CHECK or MONEY ORDER along with a copy of your ticket to:  Town of Munster Clerk-Treasurer's Office, 1005 Ridge Road, Munster, IN 46321.  Phone: 219-836-6940.  Office hours: Monday – Friday 7:30 AM to 4:30 PM.  CHECKS ARE ACCEPTED FOR ALARM & PARKING VIOLATIONS BY THE TOWN.  WE ARE UNABLE TO ACCEPT PAYMENTS OVER THE PHONE OR ONLINE AT THIS TIME


  1. If eligible, you may sign a deferral agreement.  Under the deferral program, you agree to not get a traffic ticket in any state for six months.  Successful completion of the agreement results in dismissal of the ticket.

The Munster Fire Department coordinates various emergency preparedness initaitives including a Lightning Prediction System and an Emergency Warning System coordinated in conjunction with WGN.  This sytem alerts the public to school closings and tornado warnings. 

For information on fire inspections or fire codes please contact Inspector Mark Hajduk at 219-836-6961 or mhajduk@munster.org     

The Town of Munster Board of Zoning Appeals hears requests for variances and conditional use permits. The Board of Zoning Appeals meets at the Munster Town Hall on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:45 PM.
2024 Munster Board of Zoning Appeals Members
Roland R. Raffin, Chairman
Joseph (Brad) Hemingway, Vice Chairman
Jennifer Johns, Member
Sharon A. Mayer, Member
Ed Pilawski, Member
Jonathan Petersen, Town Council Liaison

Beech  lions  White Oak

Plan Your Family or Group Outing at 
Munster Parks and Recreation's Outdoor Shelters

For your outdoor event, consider one of our outdoor park shelters.
These open-air shelters can be reserved for several hours or all day from dawn to dusk. 
You must obtain a rental contract/permit for parties of 15 or more
To check availability, contact us at (219) 836-7275, or click on the link below for rental information. 

Outdoor Shelter Rental Information

2024 Car Show
Join us for the 27th Annual Munster Car Show on May 3.

Enter your car in this spectacular Show or join us at Community Park for a terrific display of cars and trucks. 
Trophies will be awarded for 1st and 2nd place as well as "Best of Show" and "People's Choice".  Entry forms are available in the park office and at local area business sponsors and online.
This event will also offer auto related vendors, business vendors, arts & crafts vendors, and food concessions. Contact Us to Learn how you can participate!


27th Annual
Car Show
Save the Date! 
May 3, 2025 for the 
27th annual Car Show.
Registration Form
Judged Car
Entry Fee
Pre-registration: $20 
On-site : $25 
Grass Area
On-site: $10 
Free Admission to Public
Registration Form
Call (219) 836-7275
to Register your car!
Thank you to our 2024 Community Sponsors
CenturyCityVW     CHS     
 easy cleanMWEJmiller 
   Region        Rosenwinkel 2024      laura stuart
Call Donna at 219-836-7275 for more information on how to become a sponsor


The Munster Police Department's Community Oriented Policing (C.O.P.) Unit oversees our great number of community outreach programs including our Munster Neighborhood Crime Watch Program, Munster Business Crime Watch Program, Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS), the National Night Out Against Crime Celebration, School Resource Officers, Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) ProgramCops & Kids Program, and the Choice Community Council.

Ghrist Cooley Riemerts


SERGEANT JAMES GHRIST joined the Munster Police Department in 2000 and is a certified Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Instructor, Crime Prevention Officer, Bicycle Officer, and Indiana School Safety Specialist.  Sergeant Ghrist is a certified National School Resource Officer Association (NASRO) Practitioner and has also achieved Master Level Accreditation through the Indiana SRO Association.  He currently serves as the School Resource Officer for the three public and two parochial elementary schools and provides D.A.R.E. instruction to approximately 1,500 students in grades pre K-8 each year.  Sergeant Ghrist also supervises the Munster Neighborhood & Business Crime Watch Programs, National Night Out Against Crime Celebration, annual Snowflurry event, the Choice Community Council, "Cops & Kids" holiday shopping program, Dog Walker Watch Program, and "Coffee with a Cop" events and serves on the D.A.R.E. Indiana Advisory Council.  He is also available to provide security surveys for homes, businesses, or faith-based groups along with station tours, safety talks, and child safety seat installation assistance for parents.  Sergeant Ghrist can be contacted at 219-836-6639 or jghrist@munster.org.

OFFICER KEVIN COOLEY joined the Munster Police Department in 1998 and was assigned as the first full-time School Resource Officer at Wilbur Wright Middle School in 2022.  He is a certified Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Instructor, Indiana School Safety Specialist, and Field Training Officer.  Officer Cooley currently instructs the D.A.R.E. Program to approximately 350 8th grade students at Wilbur Wright Middle School each school year.  Officer Cooley can be contacted at 219-836-6650 or kcooley@munster.org

OFFICER BRAD RIEMERTS joined the Munster Police Department in 2009 and, after working in the Patrol Division, was assigned to the K-9 Unit as the handler for "Skye", a yellow Labrador Retriever that is certified as a narcotics-detecting and comfort dog.  In June 2024 he was assigned with K-9 Skye as the School Resource Officer at Munster High School.  He continues to work alongside the other members of the K-9 Unit and assists with supervising their fundraising events and efforts.  Officer Riemerts can be contacted at 219-836-6650 or briemerts@munster.org.

Community Policing is a very important part of our policing initiatives in Munster and some of our programs have been nationally-recognized and honored.  Please read more below about our programs that are held throughout the year.


Sergeant James Ghrist with a number of Choice Community Council volunteers at their planning meeting in January 2025. 

 The Choice Community Council was founded in 1994 and is an open forum for any Munster residents who would like to help plan or volunteer for programs such as the National Night Out Celebration, women's self-defense classes, the annual Red Ribbon Week Poster Contest, Crime Watch, and more.  Their meetings are held in January, April, July, and October and again anyone is welcome.

Coffee with a Cop

Chief Steve Scheckel meets with some residents during a recent "Coffee with a Cop" at McDonald's. 

The Munster Police Department holds periodic Coffee with a Cop Events at various locations around town in an effort to meet with residents, display police equipment, and hear residents' concerns.  These events allow residents and business representatives to meet and talk with police officers in a positive and informal way.

DARE Graduates

Graduates stand with Dr. Samantha Francis & D.A.R.E. Officer James Ghrist during a recent graduation ceremony held at St. Thomas More School

Our Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Program began in 1988 and has provided safety lessons to thousands of Munster students in grades K-8 for over thirty years.  The program is completely funded through donations from our schools, businesses, residents, and community organizations.  One of our current D.A.R.E. Officers, James Ghrist, was a member of the first graduating D.A.R.E. class in 1989.

NNO 2024

A photo taken during Munster's 2023 National Night Out Against Crime Celebration at the Munster Community Pool

Each August, the Munster Police Department organizes the annual National Night Out Against Crime Celebration, which has been held in Munster for 25 years.  For the past ten years, our National Night Out event has been one of the highest-ranked events out of the over 12,000 communities that participate each year.  In 2020, our National Night Out event was ranked as the #1 event in the United States in our population category and ranked #2 in 2024.  The event includes a parade, fireworks, swimming, games, prizes, emergency vehicles, music, booth participants, and more and continues to grow in participation each year.

Neighborhood Watch

A large attendance of residents and business representatives attend a recent Munster Crime Watch Meeting at the Munster Town Hall.  The meetings are held every four months and include crime statistics, updates on recent events, and crime prevention information for the participants.

Our Munster Neighborhood Crime Watch Program was re-organized in 2005 and now consists of over 100 active groups all throughout town who receive our Munster Crime Watch Weekly Report newsletter.  The Munster Business Crime Watch Program was implemented in 2007 and now includes over 300 Munster businesses, faith-based groups, and schools.  Meetings are held every four months and always attract a large attendance.

Cops & Kids

Munster Police officers and fire fighters stand together during a recent year's Cops & Kids holiday shopping event at Target in Munster

Each December, Munster Police officers, aided by Munster Firefighters and Volunteers in Police Service (VIPS), take children in need shopping for toys and clothing with funds donated by local residents, businesses, and community organizations.  Since 2005, we have been able to assist hundreds of area children shopping thanks to the generosity of others.

Dog Walker Watch

Our Dog Walker Watch Program, founded in 2019, trains residents who walk their dogs on what to look out for and how to report suspicious activity effectively.  The program is an extension of our Neighborhood Crime Watch Program.

Our COP Unit also provides safety talks, car seat assistance, station tours and more.  Our community policing programs have served as a model for a number of other agencies and several have been nationally recognized for their organization and community involvement.

Active Shooter Event

A packed room is provided with a presentation on Active Shooter Awareness & Prevention

Community Policing

For more information about our community policing programs or to request a station tour or safety talk, please contact Sergeant James Ghrist at 219-836-6639 or jghrist@munster.org.

 The Town Of Munster Community Development Office can be reached by email communitydevelopment@munster.org
by phone (219) 836-6990 or the office located in Town Hall.
Please use the following link to obtain a permit application and payment information Building Permit Instructions .
Please use the following link to go to Permit forms and information


Permits are required for most property improvement projects. Any work that is governed by the building, electrical, mechanical, plumbing code, or zoning ordinance requires a permit so that inspections can be made for compliance with the relevant regulations. 

 Examples of work that require a permit:

  • Any new structure or addition to an existing structure such as: decks, garages, porches and porch roofs, fences, sheds, swimming pools and/or spas
  • Alterations such as furring and finishing basement or attic walls, installation of new windows, new gutters and/or downspouts, the cutting of any wall or partition, landscaping involving concrete work, and any work involving the extension or alteration of the electrical, plumbing or heating or air conditioning systems
  • Repairs such as re-roofing, re-siding, concrete work including  replacing sidewalks, aprons , driveways, patios, and rebuilding porches, guardrails or stairs

 Examples of work that do not require a permit: 

  • Installing new cabinets and countertops
  • Sewer rodding or maintenance
  • Painting or wallpapering
  • Installing new floor coverings
  • Minor landscaping

If you are unsure if the work you are considering requires a permit, please call the Building Department at (219) 836-6990 

NOTE: Please remember that all contractors doing work in the Town of Munster must be licensed with the Town regardless if a permit is required or not. You may call the Town at (219) 836-6990 to confirm if the contractor you are considering to hire is currently licensed.


Nearly any type of electrical work requires a permit from the Town.  An electrical permit is necessary because electrical work requires specialized skills and knowledge. All contractors doing electrical work must be licensed with the Town.  Contractors must successfully complete a contractor's electrical test given by the Town.  Owners of single-family homes may do electrical work to their homes after successfully completing a homeowner's electrical test given by the Town.  Call the Building Department to schedule a testing time and date.


Nearly any type of plumbing requires a permit from the Town. A plumbing permit is required because plumbing requires specialized skills and knowledge.  All contractors doing plumbing work must be licensed and registered to obtain a plumbing permit.  Owners of single-family homes may obtain a plumbing permit to do the work themselves.  Plumbing work by homeowners is restricted to fixture replacement or minor repairs only.


The Town sign ordinance allows businesses to promote the nature and location of their establishments and to improve access for their patrons.  The sign ordinance also allows the Town to enhance the physical appearance and economic viability of commercial districts by controlling the number, size and maintenance of signs.  The sign ordinance even protects pedestrians and motorists by limiting distractions from too many signs.  The sign ordinance requires any business intending to construct, maintain, display or alter a sign to apply for a sign permit. Information for types of signs that are allowed click the following link Munster Zoning Code .  The design, size, content, and structure of all signs must meet all other requirements specified in the sign ordinance.  The BZA considers variance requests from the sign ordinance.  For further BZA information click on the following link BZA Information. Additional questions you may contact Community Development by email communitydevelopment@munster.org or call (219) 836-6990.


Permit applications are available on-line or at the Town Hall, Community Development Department hallway. Either the Homeowner or the Contractor may apply for a permit. Completed applications can be emailed to communitydevelopment@munster.org  , put in the big red drop off box at Town Hall parking lot, or the drop off box in the Town Hall by the Community Development Department.  Upon receiving a completed application, it will be submitted for review.  Please be sure you have all the information necessary to complete the application before submitting the application.  If a contractor has been hired for the project, provide a copy of the proposal/contract.  Projects such as additions, most alterations, and some repairs required detailed architectural plans to be submitted with the application for a permit. Two copies of the plans are required to be submitted. After approval one set will be returned to the applicant. These projects will require time for review before work can begin. The time for review can vary from two or three days to two to four weeks depending upon the complexity of the project and the number of plans awaiting review. Therefore, it is always best to submit plans for approval well in advance of an anticipated project. Permits expire if work has not commenced within six months of issue and additional fees of up to 50% of the original permit fee may be assessed before renewal.


Failure to obtain a required permit before commencing work on a project can result in issuance of a citation for violation of the Town Code.  But the real losers when a Town permit is not obtained and inspections are not conducted are the current property owners, future property owners and the Town as a whole.  Construction projects that are not completed in accordance with codes present unacceptable potential safety and financial risks for the current and future occupants of these structures as well as for neighboring property owners.

For more information about building permits, click on the following link Permit Information and forms . For Munster Municipal Code go to www.municode.com

The Community Development/Building Department can also be reached by email, communitydevelopment@munster.org


The fine for parking violations is $50.00 payable at the Office of the Clerk-Treasurer or by mailing payment to 1005 Ridge Road, Munster, Indiana 46321.

If you have a parking violation for Centennial Park that was sent to you from Professional Parking Management Corp., you pay that direct to them. Their mailing address is on the back of the notice. You can make payments or search for outstanding parking notice violations for Centennial Park parking violations at www.parkinginvoice.com.

Click on a Letter to Move to the Park of Your Choice

A | B| C| D | E | F | G| H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S| T| U | V | W | X | Y | Z

8101 Beech
Munster, IN
14 Acres

Located in the northeast section of Munster, this large open area is used mainly for sports activities and outdoor family gatherings.  This park was renovated in 2004 with new ball fields, tennis courts and playground equipment.

Softball Field
2- Softball Fields

Basketball Court
1 - Basketball Goals

Soccer Field
1 - Soccer Field

Tennis Court
2 - Tennis Courts

1 - Playground Area

Walking Track
.52 Miles

Picnic Shelter
1 - Accommodates 50 people

 Back to Top

1900 Holly Lane
Munster, IN
6 Acres

Located at the corner of Holly Lane and Crestwood Avenue in the east section of town.  This park is the perfect place for an afternoon with your kids. Enjoy the newly installed playground (north tot lot) in 2018 with zip line feature, merry go ground, and new walking path around the park.

Softball Field
2 - Softball Fields

Soccer Field
1 - Soccer Field

Tennis Court
3 - Tennis Courts

2 - Playground Areas

Picnic Shelter
1- Accommodates 48 people

Walking Track
.40 Miles

10299 Fox Run
Munster, IN
7.88 Acres

Located in the Briar Creek Subdivision, this neighborhood offers a small park with lots of open space.

1 - Playground

Basketball Court
1 - Basketball Court

Picnic Shelter
Accommodates 8-10 people

10139 Burlwood Drive
Munster, IN 
2.94 Acres

Nestled in the White Oak Estates subdivision this playground was upgraded in 2018 and includes a hot wheels racing track around the perimeter. It also offers a small shelter and plenty of open green space.

1 - Playground

Picnic Shelter
Accommodates 8-10 people

 Back to Top

1700 Inner Circle
Munster, IN
.7 Acres

Nestled in the Independence Park residential area in the east section of Town. This park was recently updated in 2020.

Basketball Court
2 - Basketball Goals

1 - Playground with multi-use paved area

801 Treadway Road
Munster, IN
1.5 Acres

Nestled in the Cobblestones Subdivision residential area in the south section of Town. This park was built by using funds from a Community Development Block Grant.

Basketball/Volleyball Court
1 - Basketball Goal

Softball Field
1- Softball Field

Tennis Courts
2 - Tennis Courts

1 - Playground with multi-use paved area

Walking Path
.45 Miles

Picnic Shelter
1 - Accommodates 48 people

209 Timrick Drive
Munster, IN
.5 Acres

Located at the corner of Timrick Drive and Manor Avenue.  Outdoor space.

Back to Top 

1101 Fran-Lin Parkway
Munster, IN
12 Acres

Located at the corner of Fran-Lin Parkway and Oriole Drive, adjacent to F.H. Hammond School.  This large wide-open neighborhood park offers a variety of sports areas for local games and practices, new fitness playground, just updated in 2019 and a track for exercise enthusiasts, walkers, joggers and runners.  Come by yourself or bring your family, friends or pets and enjoy this scenic neighborhood park.

1 - Ninja Style Fitness Playground
1 - Shared with Frank Hammond School for after hours and weekend use

Softball Field
2 - Softball Fields

Tennis Court
3 - Tennis Courts

Volleyball Court
2 - Volleyball Courts

Pickleball Court
1- Pickleball Court

Picnic Shelter
1- Accommodates 48 people

Walking/Jogging Track
Distance approximately 1/4 mile (inside lane)

Back to Top 

8201 Tapper Avenue
Munster, IN
4.7 Acres

Located at the corner of Tapper Avenue and Ridgeway Avenue and directly north of the Munster Town Hall.  This park is nestled in the neighborhood and was recently renovated in 2000. Formerly known as Ridgeway Park, this park was rededicated to Grove Park in the spring of 2003 to honor Officer Robert Grove, the first and only Munster police officer killed in the line of duty.

Softball Field
1 - Softball Field

Basketball Court
1 - Basketball Goals

Soccer Field
2 - Soccer Field

Tennis Court
3 - Tennis Courts

1 - Playground Area

Picnic Shelter
Accommodates 48 people

Ample parking available

Heritage Park
1154 Ridge Road
Munster, IN 
10.70 Acres

Located at the southeast corner of Ridge Road and Columbia Avenue, this historical park offers a gazebo which is ideal for weddings. The park also has a forested area which is home to native plants and fauna and includes a nature trail. The Kaske House founded on this property has been historically restored and in 1998 was listed in the Historical Register. It is currently operated by the Munster Historical Society and exhibits a small museum. 


Historical Home

Gardens and Picnic Area

 Back to Top

213 Timrick Drive
Munster, IN
.75 Acres

Located at the corner of Timrick Drive and Manor Avenue.  This tree-house themed playground was recently installed in 2017.

1 - Playground

 Back to Top

8807 White Oak Avenue
Munster, IN
.75 Acres

Located at the corner of White Oak and Orchard Drive.  This small playground was recently installed in 2019.

1 River Drive
Munster, IN 

This disc golf course runs along the Calumet River and offers a 9 basket course to challenge your disc throwing skills.

Disc Golf Course
1 - 9 Basket Course

Ample Parking

 Back to Top

1600 Fran-Lin Parkway
Munster, IN
6 Acres

Located at the corner of Fran-Lin Parkway and White Oak Avenue.  This wide-open area is the home to many soccer games and practices and is also a great place to fly a kite and play on the state-of-the-art playground equipment recently installed in 2018.

Soccer Field
2 - Soccer Fields

1 - Playground Area (Musical Themed)

Picnic Shelter
Accommodates 48 people

Ample parking is available.

 Back to Top

7800 Hohman Avenue
Munster, IN
1 Acre

Located on the west side of Hohman Avenue in the far northwest section of the Town.  This quaint park was updated in 2019 and includes Chances Kingdom, a sensory park. An ideal spot for a quiet afternoon.  Bring a picnic basket or a book and enjoy the day.

2 - Playground Areas (one sensory park)

Picnic Shelter
Accommodates 8-10 people

Back to Top 

9747 Twin Creek Boulevard
Munster, IN
4.8 Acres

Located in the Twin Creek subdivision just south of 45th Avenue.  This park is a favorite among neighborhood residents.  It features a paved walking trail that connects to the adjacent White Oak Park by a small bridge.

Softball Field
1 - Softball Field

Basketball Court
2 - Basketball Goals

1 - Playground Area

Picnic Shelter
Accommodates 8-10 people

Walking Trail
.25 Miles

Multi-use Paved Area

9701 Margo Lane
Munster, IN
4.8 Acres

Located on Margo Lane just south of Superior Avenue.  This park is a large park, popular for its Airplane themed playground was installed in 2019, walking, soccer, basketball and shelter rentals.  

Cricket Pitch
1- Cricket Pitch Field
Soccer Field
2 - Soccer Fields
Tennis Courts
2 - Tennis Courts
Volleyball Court
1 - Volleyball Court

2 - Playground Areas (Airplane themed playground and tot lot)

Walking Trail
.76 Miles
Accommodates approximately 64 people

Multi-use Paved Area

 Back to Top
9700 White Oak Avenue
Munster, IN
4.8 Acres

Located on White Oak just south of 45th Avenue.  This park is a large park recently updated in 2018, is also popular for walking, soccer, and shelter rentals.  It features a paved walking trail that connects to the adjacent Twin Creeks Park by a small bridge.

Softball Field
1 - Softball Field
Soccer Field
2 - Soccer Fields
Pickleball Court
3- Pickleball Courts

1 - Playground Areas

Walking Trail
.36 Miles
Picnic Shelter
Accommodates approximately 100 people

Multi-use Paved Area

 Back to Top

Access to Public Records

       If you visit the Clerk-Treasurer's Office to access public records, you will be asked to complete a form that states what document(s) you wish to access. Your request must be specific. Sometimes, the records are not immediately available, in which case we will retrieve the records of interest and telephone you when they are ready for your inspection. If you want a copy of a public record, we charge ten cents per page, one side only, for every page after the first ten (the first ten copies are free).

       Although the Clerk-Treasurer's Office will be pleased to help you access public documents, we cannot give legal advice or explain, interpret, or justify the records you access. We are familiar with the Indiana Access to Public Records Law (Indiana Code 5-14-3) and we will be happy to give you a copy of the statute without charge. We are guided in the way we handle your request by the "Handbook on Indiana's Public Access Laws," available online at http://www.in.gov/pac/files/pac_handbook.pdf.

       Your inspection of public records will be supervised and if you wish to inspect many records, you may have to make multiple trips to Town Hall, since your inspection of records must be coordinated with operation of the office.

       Although the Clerk-Treasurer is the keeper of records of the local legislative body, we cannot keep records that are not delivered to us. Therefore, if you request a record that is not in the Clerk-Treasurer's Office, we will deny your request and suggest that you look elsewhere. Sometimes, we know a record exists elsewhere; other times we do not. Sometimes, we need to check with our attorney to make sure that a public record is disclosable (some public records are not disclosable). If your request for access to a public record is denied, you will be given the reason for the denial.

       Generally, we do not ask why you are requesting a particular record. But, it is sometimes helpful to know your need so we can better fulfill your request. You have a statutory right to access disclosable public records, and we will make our best effort to accommodate you, while preserving the rights of others.

       Our office is located at Munster Town Hall, 1005 Ridge Road, Munster, Indiana 46321. We are about three blocks east of Calumet Avenue on the north side of Ridge Road. Our office is open on Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Our telephone number is 219-836-6940.

Wendy Mis, Munster Clerk-Treasurer

A permit is legal authority to begin a project and triggers an inspection process. Inspections need to be performed at various stages of a project to ensure compliance with construction codes.   

To schedule an inspection, contact the Building Department at least 24 hours prior to the requested time.  You may contact us by phone (219) 836-6990 the department personnel will confirm request or by email communitydevelopment@munster.org , you will receive a confirmation email. Upon confirmation, inspections are placed on the schedule.

The permit fee is intended to cover the cost of administering the permit and building inspection system. Certain types of work should not proceed without first being inspected, such as pouring concrete or drywalling newly framed walls or, more generally, any work that would cover un-inspected construction. A final inspection for all completed permit work is required. The Town has adopted the current State Codes that dictate minimum standards for the performance of construction trade work. You can access the current State Codes adopted by Munster by clicking on Current Codes.

Although compliance with the codes does not eliminate all potential risks, it does reduce risks to a level considered acceptable by a consortium of code officials, fire officials, construction trade organizations, product manufacturers, and insurance carriers. Permits and inspections are the best avenue available to assure that your project meets accepted minimum standards for safety and durability. The building contractor must contact the Building Department to schedule an inspection with as much advance notice as possible. Below is a typical list of inspections required by the Town for residential or commercial construction.

New Construction & Additions Inspection Schedule

  • Erosion Controls – all MS4 requirements shall be in place, when applicable
  • Pre-Pour – footings, foundations, grade beams, posts, piers, floors, stoops, public sidewalks, ramps, driveway aprons
  • Backfill – perimeter foundation drainage system/damp-proofing/insulation; underfloor plumbing/electrical/ducting; underground water/sewer taps; first floor frame and deck or wall bracing shall be in place prior to foundation backfill
  • Electrical Service – service equipment securely mounted, main disconnect, grounding, bonding; early electrical service requires minimum one 20A breaker, GFI receptacle, disconnect panel protected from weather
  • Roughs – framing, electrical, plumbing, mechanical; stamped construction plans shall be onsite
  • Insulation – certificate of compliance posted; permanent certificate shall be posted on or in the electrical disconnect panel
  • Final Inspection – Certificate of Occupancy or Temporary Certificate of Occupancy; water service deposit shall be paid at the Clerk-Treasurer’s Office prior to scheduling Final Inspection
  • Site Inspection – certificate of final grades prepared by state registered land surveyor, landscaping installed per approved plans, seed and/or sod shall be in place; weather permitting, site and landscape work shall be approved prior to issuance of Certificate of Occupancy

Remodel, Alterations and Accessory Structures Inspection Schedule

  • Signage – electrical, final             
  • In Ground Pool –  bonding, backfill, final
  • Above Ground Pool – electrical, final
  • Fence –  final
  • Deck – pre-pour, framing, final
  • Shed – final
  • Detached Garage – pre-pour, roughs, final
  • Reroof – replaced sheathing, final
  • Electrical Upgrade - final
  • Renovation – roughs, final

St Thomas More Class of 2022


The Munster Police Department HAS NOW COMPLETED 35 YEARS of presenting the D.A.R.E. Program to our community's children.  Our program has become an important part of our children's educations as they begin to make important decisions that could affect the rest of their lives.  Munster brought the D.A.R.E. Program to our schools in 1988.


D.A.R.E. teaches kids how to recognize and resist the direct and subtle pressures that influence them to experiment with alcohol, tobacco, marijuana, and other drugs.  And since in between 70% and 90% of all crime is drug-related, it is absolutely vital that we reach the children of American before it is too late.

Jostes Ghrist Award

Officer Terry Jostes (left) was the Munster Police Department's FIRST D.A.R.E. Officer and served from 1988 to 1994.  Current D.A.R.E. Officer James Ghrist (pictured right) was presented with the D.A.R.E. Indiana Officer of the Year Award by Chief Steve Scheckel in 2015.  Officer Ghrist is a graduate of the Munster Police Department's FIRST 5th grade D.A.R.E. class at Elliott Elementary School in 1988, which was instructed by Officer Jostes.


Presented by D.A.R.E. Officer James Ghrist, this curriculum is presented at three public (Eads Elementary School, Elliott Elementary School, and Frank Hammond Elementary School) and two parochial (St. Thomas More School and St. Paul's Lutheran School) elementary schools each year.  Through this program our department has frequent interaction with students in kindergarten through fifth grade.

DARE Officer Ghrist

D.A.R.E. Officer James Ghrist provides the elementary D.A.R.E. lessons along with middle school D.A.R.E. lessons to the 8th grade students at the parochial schools

Students in kindergarten, first, and third grade are presented with lessons on following rules and laws, obeying their parents, internet safety, wearing seat belts and bicycle helmets, calling 911, stranger-danger, and more.

Puppet Teaching

Fifth grade students participate in the main D.A.R.E. curriculum which includes lessons on drug abuse, risks and consequences, managing stress, communicating effectively, bullying prevention, making positive choices, and resisting peer pressure.

Role Models

Fifth graders are also able to meet with D.A.R.E. Role Models from Munster High School who offer positive advice to the students about resisting peer pressure while also answering their questions about middle school and high school.  The fifth graders also write D.A.R.E. essays which describe what they learned from the program and contain their commitment to stay drug-free.

2022 STM Graduates

Fifth graders completing the main curriculum are invited to participate in a D.A.R.E. Graduation Ceremony at their home school which include certificates, awards, special speakers, and a reception attended by parents, students, police officers, and school officials.



D.A.R.E. Officers James Ghrist & Kevin Cooley displaying drunk driving simulation carts which are used during the 8th grade curriculum and various community events to help discourage drinking and driving.

Instructed by Officer James Ghrist and Officer Kevin Cooley, the middle school D.A.R.E. curriculum is presented to eighth grade students at Wilbur Wright Middle School, St. Thomas More School, and St. Paul's Lutheran School.  The lessons are formatted for older students but reinforce the same safety message regarding peer pressure, drug abuse, and making positive choices.  Like the fifth grade curriculum, the eighth grade curriculum includes workbook activities.  Officer Ghrist instructs the program at the parochial schools while Officer Cooley instructs it at Wilbur Wright Middle School.  Lessons also include the use of "Drunk Buster" drunk driving simulation carts which were donated by the Munster Rotary Club and American Community Bank.


Snowflurry 2024

Approximately 400 Munster students participate in Snowflurry each year at Wilbur Wright Middle School

Snowflurry is held each February or March at Wilbur Wright Middle School.  The event is held as an extension of the police department's D.A.R.E. Program and involves hundreds of fifth graders each year who are led in a variety of both fun and educational activities led by volunteer Munster High School students such as games, snacks, community service crafts (led by the Munster Junior Woman's Club), peer mentoring, and more.  The event, which is also supervised by school staff members and D.A.R.E. officers, concludes with a closing ceremony attended by parents.

Wolf Kuna Pramuk Willis Stanley

Munster students have won the state-wide D.A.R.E. Indiana Essay of the Year Contest a number of times during the past fifteen years:  Henry Wolf (2010), Brooklyn Kuna (2018), Eva Pramuk (2019), McKenna Willis (2020), and Christian Stanley (2023).

Moran McNulty Companik Burk Choi

Munster students have also won the grand prize in many recent D.A.R.E. Indiana Poster Contests:  Indigo Moran (2007), Casey McNulty (2016), Caitlyn Companik (2018), Tommy Burk (2019), and Laein Choi (2023). 

Melissa Strohl  Chief Scheckel

Frank Hammond Elementary School teacher Melissa Strohl (left) and Chief Steve Scheckel (right) received the D.A.R.E. Indiana Educator of the Year Award and D.A.R.E. Indiana Law Enforcement Executive of the Year Award, respectively, in 2021 during a ceremony held at the Indiana Governor's Mansion in Indianapolis.


The Munster Police Department's D.A.R.E. Program is completely funded through donations from local residents, businesses, and community organizations.  Our generous sponsors are displayed below:

DARE Sponsors 2023

Program sponsors are also listed on D.A.R.E. Graduation program handouts and through other various social media publications throughout the year.  If you would like to help support our D.A.R.E. Program, please make checks payable to the Town of Munster (memo: DARE) and mail them to the Munster Police Department, c/o Officer James Ghrist, 1001 Ridge Road, Munster, IN 46321.  Thank you in advance for your support! 

For more information about our D.A.R.E. Program, please contact D.A.R.E. Officer James Ghrist at 219-836-6639 or jghrist@munster.org.


The Munster Civic Foundation is a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for all the citizens of Munster. The Munster Foundation was created in 1990 through an endowment from the Community Foundation, the parent corporation of the Community Hospital. The interest earned by this endowment is used to finance special gifts to our community which cannot be financed with tax dollars. The Foundation works closely with the Town of Munster, private individuals, the business community, and other organizations on various projects that benefit Munster's residents. Some goals of the Munster Foundation include:

  • To promote, foster, and encourage community spirit and pride.
  • To facilitate cooperation between public and private enterprises for the benefit of the Munster community.
  • To promote and assist (self-supporting) projects and activities that enhance the quality of our community through private funding.
  • To manage and expand the funding for the Munster Foundation to allow the Foundation to carry out more projects in the future.

The Munster Civic Foundation annually sponsors the July 3rd fireworks, the Civic Mondays Summer Concert Series, the Munster Monarch Festival, “Light the Night” holiday decorations, and more!  No property tax money is used to pay for these community enhancements.  In addition to the fireworks, concerts and holiday decorations, the Munster Civic Foundation contributed to many projects you may see regularly.  The Munster Civic Foundation has made contributions that helped to build the Veteran’s Memorial and the “new” Munster pool. We contributed to public art installations, like the Tiptoe Thru Town Tulips and town murals, and helped to fund the first bike paths throughout town.   We assisted those affected by the 2008 flood, we support numerous local organizations, and we provide sponsorship to various events for the Town. The Munster Civic Foundation has made a positive impact on the quality of life in Munster.

The non-partisan board of directors would welcome your support.  We are reviewing future projects that may include bike racks, more summer concerts (maybe Jazz and Blues Fest reborn), a winter festival and more public art projects.  You can send your suggestions to the Foundation Executive Secretary, wmis@munster.org for presentation at our next Civic Foundation meeting.  

All donations made to the Foundation are tax-deductible. Checks can be written to the Munster Civic Foundation.  You can send the payment to Munster Town Hall at 1005 Ridge Road, use the parking lot red drop box, or bring it into the Clerk-Treasurer's office. We also look for volunteers to help with projects and activities. To receive more information on how you can help the Munster Civic Foundation help the residents of Munster contact the Office of the Clerk-Treasurer.

We look forward to your input and your support and encourage you to be on the lookout for a surprise in the spring of 2020 in the concrete planters and in other strategic locations throughout the Town, courtesy of the Munster Civic Foundation.

Stay updated on upcoming events and projects throughout town by following our Facebook page and Instagram!


Instagram: @munstercivicfoundation


WO Shelter WO Sign
WO Playground WO Pickleball

Located south of 45th Street on White Oak Avenue, White Oak Park was acquired in 1990 and developed in 1996. It's open, expansive fields are home to many community soccer games, pickleball players, family events, and exercise enthusiasts. A pedestrian bridge over Hart Ditch connects this park to Twin Creek Park.

Soccer Field
2 - Soccer Fields

Pickleball Court
3 – Pickleball Courts adjacent to playground area

1 - Playground Area adjacent to parking lot

Walking/Jogging Trail
Trail Distance approximately 1/3 mile

Outdoor Shelter Facility
1 - Shelter
Seating for 96 people

Portable restroom facility located in shelter area seasonally

Parking Area
Ample parking available throughout the park, including accessible spaces.

NW Sign

OUR NEXT MEETING:  Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 6:30PM at the Munster Town Hall

The Munster Neighborhood Crime Watch Program was re-organized in April 2005 and now consists of approximately 100 active Neighborhood Crime Watch groups that are located all throughout Munster.  The purpose of our program is to provide our residents with information about recent crime activity and effective prevention methods while also encouraging them to report suspicious activity when it is observed.  To report suspicious activity, always call 911 immediately.

  Each member of our program is provided with the Munster Neighborhood Crime Watch Weekly Report each week by e-mail from either local Crime Watch Captains or directly from the police department.  The report provides announcements and news, a police blotter, crime prevention tips, and upcoming community events.  To sign-up to receive the report by e-mail, please click here.

Crime Watch Meeting

Our Crime Watch meetings are always very well attended by the public and are held every four months for any interested residents or business representatives.

Our department holds Munster Crime Watch Meetings in January, May, and September which provide information about recent crime incidents, statistics, special speakers, and door prizes.

Crime Watch Captains assist their neighborhoods by recruiting neighbors to participate in the program, distributing the Weekly Report by e-mail to their members each week, by attending Crime Watch meetings when they can, and by encouraging neighbors to report suspicious activity as soon as possible.  For more information about how to set up your own Neighborhood Crime Watch group, please contact our crime prevention officer who is listed further below.

Dog Walker Watch

The Munster Dog Walker Watch Program was started in 2019 and encourages residents to look out for and report suspicious activity while also looking out for the safety of their fellow neighbors.  Participants are provided with a brief training and program t-shirts which are sponsored by the Choice Community Council.  A recent group of program participants are displayed above.

Officers are available to provide FREE basic home security surveys or safety talks for community groups upon request.  To request a survey or safety talk, please contact the officer listed at the bottom of this page.



For more information about the Munster Neighborhood Crime Watch Program, please contact Sergeant James Ghrist at 219-836-6639 or jghrist@munster.org.

The Town of Munster has a very unique approach to public art.  When a business receives tax abatement, 1% of the value of that tax abatement must be used for a piece of public art.  The result of this is a landscape full of interesting sculptures.  For a Town the size of Munster, having dozens of sculptures made by nationally renown artists is quite the feat.


The Public Art Committee oversees this project.  The Public Art Committee is a subdivision of the Civic Foundation; it is comprised of 3 individuals and a Town Council liaison.  The individuals currently serving on the Committee are an artist, an art collector, and an architect.  These individuals work with artists and businesses to ensure that art put up throughout Town is of the utmost quality and will enhance the community.


The Committee is instrumental in pairing artists with projects and ensuring that sculpture around Town brings true value to the area.  The next project that the Public Art Committee is proud to see put up in Munster is a piece called "Prairie Passage" by artists Neil Goodman and Terry Karpowicz.  It is sponsored by Pepsi Americas and will be installed at Centennial Park early this spring.

As responsible parents and members of your community, please take a few minutes to review some important information that is provided by the Consumer Product Safety Commission.  Visit their website often, especially if you have children, to get the latest recall and safety information available anywhere.  For over ten years, the Munster Fire Department has been actively involved with getting out the safety message and the Consumer Product Safety Commission has been a great help. 


Upcoming Events

Contact Us

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6900
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    General Offices
    7:30am - 4:30pm Monday thru Friday
    Clerk-Treasurer's Office
    7:30am - 4:30pm

Contact Us

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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Contact Us

Wendy Mis,

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6940
  • Fax: (219) 836-8350
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Contact Us

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6900
  • Fax: (219) 836-6540
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    8:30am - 4:30pm

Contact Us

Stephen Scheckel,
Chief of Police

1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6630
  • Fax: (219) 836-8134
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    Records Department Open Mondays-Fridays from 8:00am-4:00pm. Officers available for assistance 24-7.

Contact Us

Fire Station #2
550 Fisher St
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6960
  • Fax: (219) 836-6962
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Friday

Contact Us

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6990
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    8:00 AM - 4:00 PM Monday - Friday

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Munster Public Works Garage
508 Fisher St
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6970
  • Phone: (219) 836-6971
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Monday - Friday

Contact Us

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-7275
  • Fax: (219) 836-6541
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    Monday through Friday
    8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
    WEATHER HOTLINE - For a recorded message about Munster Parks and Recreation programs, particularly those dependent on weather conditions, call the weather hotline at (219) 836-6927.

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1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6945
  • Staff Directory

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Wendy Mis,

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6945
  • Fax: (219) 836-8350
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Contact Us

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6940
  • Fax: (219) 836-8350
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Contact Us

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6949
  • Fax: (219) 836-8350
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Contact Us

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6940
  • Fax: (219) 836-8350
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Contact Us

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6940
  • Fax: (219) 836-8350
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    Monday - Friday 7:30 - 4:30 p.m.

Contact Us

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6940
  • Fax: (219) 836-8350
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    Monday - Friday 7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

Contact Us

Patricia Abbott,
Controller/Interim Town Manager

  • Phone: (219) 836-6946
  • Fax: (219) 836-8350
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

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Charles E. Remmers,
Data Processing Specialist/GIS Manager

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6910
  • Staff Directory

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Dan Broelmann,
Lieutenant/VIPS Coordinator

Contact Us

1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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James Ghrist,
D.A.R.E./Crime Prevention Officer

1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-6639
  • Fax: (219) 836-8134
  • Staff Directory

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1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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Daymon Johnston,

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Daymon Johnston,

1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-8810
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Office of Community Development
1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Business: (219) 836-6990
  • Fax: (219) 836-6542
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday thru Friday

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Office of Community Development
1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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Office of Community Development
1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Business: (219) 836-6990
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    8:00am to 4:00pm, Monday thru Friday

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  • Assistant: (219) 836-6990
  • Staff Directory

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Munster Public Works Garage
508 Fisher St
Munster, IN 46321
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Munster Public Works Garage
508 Fisher St
Munster, IN 46321
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1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-7275
  • Fax: (219) 836-6541
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    Monday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
    Monday through Friday

Contact Us

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-7275
  • Fax: (219) 836-6541
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    8:30 am - 4:30 pm
    Monday through Friday

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1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-7275
  • Fax: (219) 836-6541
  • Staff Directory
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    8:30 am - 4:30 pm
    Monday through Friday

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  • Phone: (219) 836-7275
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    8:30 am - 4:30 pm
    Monday through Friday

Contact Us

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-7275
  • Fax: (219) 836-6541
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    8:30 am - 4:30 pm
    Monday through Friday

Contact Us

Donna Chant,
Marketing Coordinator

  • Phone: (219) 836-7275
  • Fax: (219) 836-6541
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    8:30 am - 4:30 pm
    Monday through Friday

Contact Us

Donna Chant,
Marketing Coordinator

1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Phone: (219) 836-7275
  • Fax: (219) 836-6541
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
    Monday through Friday

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1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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    Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm

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8837 Calumet Ave
Munster, IN 46321
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8601 Calumet Ave
Munster, IN 46321
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9750 White Oak Ave
Munster, IN 46321
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8601 Calumet Ave
Munster, IN 46321
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8751 Lions Club Dr
Munster, IN 46321
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    Monday through Friday

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Munster Town Hall
1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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    8:30 a.m. -4:30 p.m.

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  • Business: (219) 836-6970
  • Staff Directory
  • Office Hours:
    7:00am - 3:00pm

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James Ghrist,
D.A.R.E./Crime Prevention Officer

Police Department
1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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Munster Town Hall
1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Other: (219) 836-6659
  • Staff Directory

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James Ghrist,
D.A.R.E./Crime Prevention Officer

Contact Us

James Ghrist,
D.A.R.E./Crime Prevention Officer

Police Department
1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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  • Business: (219) 836-6639
  • Staff Directory

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James Ghrist,
D.A.R.E./Crime Prevention Officer

Police Department
1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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James Ghrist,
D.A.R.E./Crime Prevention Officer

Police Department
1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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James Ghrist,
D.A.R.E./Crime Prevention Officer

Police Department
1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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Stephen Scheckel,
Chief of Police

Police Department
1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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Police Department
1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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Police Department
1001 Ridge Rd
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Office of Community Development
1005 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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James Ghrist,
D.A.R.E./Crime Prevention Officer

Police Department
1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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James Ghrist,
D.A.R.E./Crime Prevention Officer

Police Department
1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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Police Department
1001 Ridge Rd
Munster, IN 46321
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