Munster Parks and Recreation offers full service
travel planning with Collette Tours and Mayflower Cruises and Tours.
Stop by the Park Office to pick up complete brochures.
Where Will You Travel To Next?
Call Mara at 836-6922 for more information. If you book your vacation directly with one of our travel partners, please let them know that Munster Parks and Recreation is your travel provider. Special discounts are offered when you attend our travel shows!
Collette Tours |
Mayflower Tours & Cruises |
FREE TRAVEL Brochures at Munster Town Hall
When booking your trip online or through another agent, please let them know that your travel partner is Munster Parks and Recreation. You still pay the same for the trip, but we receive a commission for park programs and events.
FREE TRAVEL Brochures at Munster Town Hall
When booking your trip online or through another agent, please let them know that your travel partner is Munster Parks and Recreation. You still pay the same for the trip, but we receive a commission for park programs and events.
or, call (219) 836-7275 and ask for our travel representative.