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Potholes and Minor Repairs
Routine street repairs are scheduled and performed by the Public Works Department. You may request a repair for a specific street through PublicStuff or by calling Public Works at the number at right. Residents may also use PublicStuff to view requests submitted by residents for existing problems. Factors taken into consideration when scheduling street repairs include: the extent of the damage, cause of damage (sewer collapse, blow-ups from heat, etc.), whether the street is a major thoroughfare or a lightly traveled side street, whether or not the street is already scheduled for maintenance in the near future, and the availability of time and resources.
Street Resurfacing
The Public Work Department maintains an annual schedule for street resurfacing and crack-sealing. These repairs take place in the spring and summer months. Please contact the Public Works Department for more information about when certain streets are scheduled for resurfacing.
Sidewalk Repairs
Sidewalks in Munster are reinspected on an annual basis
ADA Curb Compliance
The Town of Munster is in the process of bringing all crosswalks and curb cuts within its boundaries to ADA Compliance Standards. The Town's ADA Compliance Plan can be found here.
Snow Removal
The Town of Munster prides itself on providing one of the best snow removal services in Northwest Indiana. Please keep in mind that according to Town of
Street Signs
Report damaged or missing street signs through PublicStuff or by calling Public Works. Please be specific about the type of sign, its location and the nature of the problem. Since damaged or missing traffic control signs can become a serious traffic hazard, problems should be reported immediately to the Munster Police Department at 219-836-6630. The Police will assess the situation and notify Public Works maintenance personnel if necessary. Removal of a street sign is a criminal offense.
Street Trees
The Town of Munster monitors the health of all trees located in the parkway between the road and sidewalk. The health and appearance of these trees are closely tracked, and diseased or damaged trees are removed. If there is a tree in the parkway that needs to be removed, please submit a request through PublicStuff or call Public Works before contracting with a private company. Residents are responsible for the regular maintenance of parkway trees and branches must be kept a minimum of 6 ½ feet over any sidewalk. Pruning removes limbs with failure potential, prevents decay, and can help balance or lighten tree structure. Many trees can have their life extended if deadwood is pruned out of a tree.