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The Sewer Division provides for the cleaning, maintenance, and repair of the sewer utility and reviews and approves all proposed sewer system connections and extensions within the Town.
There are two basic types of sewers, storm and sanitary sewers. These drains are handled as follows: If a blockage in the Town's main sewer line is suspected, call the Public Works Department at 836-6970, and they will dispatch a truck to clean out the line immediately. If the problem is in the service line between the citizen's house and the Town's sewer line, the caller will be advised to call a private sewer cleaning service to have the sewers cleaned at their own expense. If there is any doubt where the backup is located, the Town's Sewer Department will be dispatched to make that determination. After normal working hours, call the Munster Police Department non-emergency number, 836-6600.
Connections are the responsibility of the Community Development Department and Water Division. Standards must be met to receive a permit and install the sewer. For more information, call the Community Development Department at 836-6990.
Service and Locating
Locate sewers information can be provided by the Water Division. For more information, call the Public Works Department at 836-6970.
Sanitary Sewer User Fee
The Hammond Sanitary District bills residents monthly on the Town's water bill, for a maintenance and rehabilitation program for the Town's sanitary sewer system. The billing is determined upon an average daily water usage reading, multiplied by the Hammond Sanitary Districts rate. The program is implemented in a systematic fashion with a predetermined amount of sewer maintained and rehabilitated each year, as mandated by Federal regulations. If you have questions or complaints about anything relating to the Sanitary Sewer Fee, please contact the Hammond Sanitary District at 853-6520.