BZA25-001 DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE- Marc Smith of E. Anthony Inc. on behalf of Orthopedic Specialists of Northwest Indiana (OSNI) requests variances from Table 26-6.405.Q-1 Private Lighting Types, Section 26-6.405.Q-2.b Pole Height, and Section 26-6.405.Q-3.c Illumination, Color Temperature of the Munster Zoning Code, Building and Lot Plans and Standards at 9900 Columbia Avenue. STAFF REPORT
BZA24-010 DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARD VARIANCE: Diana Garza with Doyle Signs for Jessica Entingh of BMO Harris Bank NA is requesting a Developmental Standards Variances from TABLE 26-6. 701. B SIGN TYPES. WALL SIGN Dimensions, Clearance for a new wall sign for BMO Harris Bank at 915 Ridge Road. STAFF REPORT
BZA24-011 DEVELOPMENTAL STANDARDS VARIANCE: Jeanne Armando of MRV Architects received Developmental Plan approval for signs and lighting with conditions at 7949 Calumet Avenue. Documents: BZA24-011 Findings of Fact