
Meeting Agenda

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 507 875 5757
Passcode: 126807

Call To Order

Roll Call

Moment of Silence

Pledge of Allegiance

All public comment is limited to 2 minutes with a total of 20 minutes allotted for the public comment section. All speakers must sign the Public Speaker Sign-in Form prior to speaking. Please keep all comments civil, constructive, and related to public policy issues. At their discretion, Council may allow public comment to extend past 20 minutes but is not required to do so. All rules for public comment are posted outside the Main Meeting Room.

  1. CONSENT AGENDA (The items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered under one motion with a roll call vote. If a Council Member wishes to have an item removed from the agenda for further discussion, it will be considered separately under General Orders. The Chair will entertain a motion for approval.)
    1. Approval of the Minutes
      1. Minutes of the Regular Town Council Meeting on 3/03/2025
        Documents: Minutes
    2. Annual Red Flag
      Documents: Annual Report
    3. Water Leak Adjustment
      Documents: Adjustment
    4. Confirmation/ Approval of Voucher Register
      1. Confirmation of Voucher Register #25-1K dated 1/31/2025 totaling $50,985.29
        Documents: Register #25-1K
      2. Approval of Voucher Register #25-1L dated 1/31/2025 totaling $159,770.00
        Documents: Register #25-1L
      3. Confirmation of Voucher Register #25-3B dated 3/06/2025 totaling $142,554.93
        Documents: Register #25-3B
      4. Confirmation of Voucher Register #25-3C dated 3/07/2025 totaling $542,962.00
        Documents: Register #25-3C
      5. Confirmation Voucher Register #25-3D dated 3/10/2025 totaling $59,572.01
        Documents: Register #25-3D
      6. Confirmation of Voucher Register #25-3E dated 3/10/2025 totaling $43,609.13
        Documents: Register #25-3E
      7. Confirmation of Voucher Register #25-3F dated 3/13/2025 totaling $569,875.51
        Documents: Register #25-3F
      8. Approval of Voucher Register #25-3G dated 3/17/2025 totaling $2,227,578.77
        Documents: Register #25-3G
  2. OLD BUSINESS (Roll Call Vote Required - All Resolutions and Ordinances; *Items to request waiving the rules and adopting on first reading.)
    1. Resolution #2149: Signing Authority with INDOT
      Documents: Memo | Resolution #2149
    2. Ordinance #1979: Stop Sign Installation
      Documents: Memo | Ordinance #1979
    3. CCMG 2025-1: Design Engineering
      Documents: Memo | Design Propsal | RPR Proposal
    4. Landfill Improvements
      Documents: Memo | Cabeno Proposal | Gas Profiles | Gas Layout | Improvements Memo | GCCS Header Improvements
    5. NICTD Invoices
      Documents: Memo
    6. Purchase of Truck
      Documents: Silverado Memo | Bosak Chevy | Garber Chevy | Phillips Chevy
    7. Purchase of Z-Trak Mower
      Documents: Memo | Z-Trak Mower Quote
    8. Disposal of Surplus Equipment
      Documents: Memo
  6. ANNOUNCEMENTS - All Town Council meetings will begin at 6:30pm unless otherwise noted.

April 7, 2025 - Regular Town Council Meeting and Redevelopment Commission Meeting


Meeting Minutes

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 507 875 5757
Passcode: 126807

Call To Order

Roll Call

Moment of Silence

Pledge of Allegiance

All public comment is limited to 2 minutes with a total of 20 minutes allotted for the public comment section. All speakers must sign the Public Speaker Sign-in Form prior to speaking. Please keep all comments civil, constructive, and related to public policy issues. At their discretion, Council may allow public comment to extend past 20 minutes but is not required to do so. All rules for public comment are posted outside the Main Meeting Room.

CONSENT AGENDA (The items listed on the Consent Agenda are considered under one motion with a roll call vote. If a Council Member wishes to have an item removed from the agenda for further discussion, it will be considered separately under General Orders. The Chair will entertain a motion for approval.)

Approval of the Minutes

Minutes of the Regular Town Council Meeting on 3/03/2025

Annual Red Flag

Water Leak Adjustment

Confirmation/ Approval of Voucher Register

Confirmation of Voucher Register #25-1K dated 1/31/2025 totaling $50,985.29

Approval of Voucher Register #25-1L dated 1/31/2025 totaling $159,770.00

Confirmation of Voucher Register #25-3B dated 3/06/2025 totaling $142,554.93

Confirmation of Voucher Register #25-3C dated 3/07/2025 totaling $542,962.00

Confirmation Voucher Register #25-3D dated 3/10/2025 totaling $59,572.01

Confirmation of Voucher Register #25-3E dated 3/10/2025 totaling $43,609.13

Confirmation of Voucher Register #25-3F dated 3/13/2025 totaling $569,875.51

Approval of Voucher Register #25-3G dated 3/17/2025 totaling $2,227,578.77

OLD BUSINESS (Roll Call Vote Required - All Resolutions and Ordinances; *Items to request waiving the rules and adopting on first reading.)


Resolution #2149: Signing Authority with INDOT

Ordinance #1979: Stop Sign Installation

CCMG 2025-1: Design Engineering

Landfill Improvements

NICTD Invoices

Purchase of Truck

Purchase of Z-Trak Mower

Disposal of Surplus Equipment



ANNOUNCEMENTS - All Town Council meetings will begin at 6:30pm unless otherwise noted.

April 7, 2025 - Regular Town Council Meeting and Redevelopment Commission Meeting


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