Home PageOffice of the Clerk-TreasurerOffice of the Town ManagerMunster Police DepartmentFire DepartmentCommunity DevelopmentPublic WorksParks and RecreationPark FacilitiesTown CouncilClerk-TreasurerTown ManagerPlan CommissionBoard of Zoning AppealsBoard of Safety
The Clerk-Treasurer's Office is the financial arm of the Town. The Clerk-Treasurer and staff of nine conduct budgeting, payroll, accounts payable, accounts receivable, financial reporting, investment management, in short, the full complement of traditional accounting functions.
Mission Statement of the Clerk-Treasurer's Office
Our mission is to provide prompt, courteous, knowledgeable, accurate information to all citizens.
We will do the following to accomplish our mission:
We will keep ourselves well-informed about changes in federal and state laws and local ordinances
We will avail ourselves of educational opportunities when appropriate
We will direct our customers to better resources if we are unable to fulfill their requests
We will be as open and communicative as possible without violating confidentialities or making inappropriate disclosures
We will practice the highest ethical standards, meaning we will be fair and honest in all of our dealings
We will not offer legal advice or interpret laws, ordinances, or codes for our customers as we are not a law office and it would be inappropriate to do so
We will do our best to work with other departments to be sure accurate and important information is given to the public as quickly as possible
Adopted by the Clerk-Treasurer and Staff on April 28, 2009
Amended May 30, 2017
Munster is governed by a five person Town Council. The Town Council appoints a Town Manager, who is responsible for the day to day management of the town. The Town Manager is responsible for duties such as hiring of personnel, administration of Munster's bidding process, and the overseeing of all the town's various departments. See the links below for more information.
To serve and protect the community by preserving the peace, providing rapid response to emergency situations, and deterring crime through prevention, education, enforcement and apprehension of law violators; utilizing available resources in an effective manner; applying moral, ethical, legal, and professional standards, while being responsive to the community, as well as employee needs.
The Munster Police Department is comprised of 42 dedicated sworn officers utilizing the latest technology and law enforcement equipment to make Munster one of the safest communities in northwest Indiana and in the country.
Established in 1955, the Munster Police Department has grown with the community and now has dedicated itself with programs such as Neighborhood Watch, Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.), the School Resource Officer Program, and other crime prevention initiatives. We also work closely with our neighboring departments to make the region as crime free as possible.
The Munster Police Department is an accredited law enforcement agency through the Commission for the Accreditation of Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA).
Accredited July 28th, 2008
Emergencies: CALL 911
Non-Emergency Line: 219-660-0000
Department Phone Tree: 219-836-8810
Department Fax Number: 219-836-8134
The Munster Police Department utilizes services provided bySMART 911 (RAVE ALERTS), FACEBOOK, TWITTER, and RING.COM to provide emergency alerts & advisories, traffic alerts and information on community activities hosted by the police department. Residents are urged to sign-up for these free services if they are interested in receiving this type of information. Notifications are sent via text message and/or by email. Residents may subscribe to the service by clicking on the above icons.
Residents can also access information about the process of filing complaints by clicking on the button above, or they can contact our Administrative Secretary for more information at 219-836-6654.
In May 1925, twenty young men formed the Munster Volunteer Fire Department and elected Leonard Blink as Fire Chief. The population of the Town of Munster was approximately 800. Equipment consisted of a wooden hose cart with three hundred feet of hose, pulled by a member Model-T Ford. Grass fires were frequent, but Munster's first major fire was a home at the corner of Forest and Adelaide. Unfortunately, the home was not able to be saved.
The Department communicated through the use of a telephone tree. The operator would call the Chief in the event of a fire. The Chief, or his wife, would in turn call three firemen, and they, or their wives, would call three more firemen until all were notified. The Town's first fire engine, a pumper on a Dodge chassis, was purchased two years later for $3,555.00. The year 1929 brought another change to the Department, as the members were paid $1.00 per hour while on duty at a fire.
Today, the Munster Fire Department operates out of three fire stations with five fire engines and one tower ladder. The Department also has a 1948 fire engine, Polaris off-road vehicle, fire safety trailer, rescue trailer, and a rescue boat. The current membership is 50 personnel and the Munster Fire Department responds to nearly 800 calls for service annually.
As you can see, the Munster Fire Department has grown from their humble beginnings to a modern and efficient fire fighting force that is proud to protect the Town of Munster and its surrounding communities. Whether it be protecting life and property, educating the children of our community or answering an emergency call, the Munster Fire Department stands ready, rich in heritage, and truly dedicated to service.
Munster's Community Development Department is responsible for the development of long and short-range planning documents and enforcement of the Town's building codes and zoning ordinances. We work with developers, contractors, and the public to ensure that all structures in Munster are properly built and that they enhance their surroundings. Our goal is to make sure that Munster's neighborhoods and commercial districts continue to be the vibrant places they are today.
List of contractors currently registered in the Town of Munster, please click on the following link: Contractor List Contractors working in the Town of Munster are to have current Town of Munster Contractor registration. If you choose a contractor that is not currently registered, the contractor will need to obtain contractor registration before the release of the permit and before work is started.
The Site Plan Review is authorized to review and provide input on Building and Lot Plans, Development Parcel Plans, Site Plans, and any other plans or proposals forwarded by the Zoning Administrator or at the recommendation of any Site Plan Review Committee member. The Site Plan Review Committee meets on the first and third Thursday of every month at 2:00 p.m.
The Board of Zoning Appeals hears requests for zoning variances, conditional use permits, and administrative appeals. The Board of Zoning Appeals meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 6:00 p.m.
The Plan Commission hears requests to subdivide, rezone, or make changes to the zoning and subdivision codes. The Plan Commission meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:00 p.m.
For additional information, below are links for "Services" and "Useful Links.
The Public Works Department is responsible for the upkeep and repair of the Town's roadways, water and sewer lines, and public rights-of-way. Public Works is also responsible for snow removal. We are dedicated to providing our residents with the highest quality of service and to maintaining the Town's infrastructure in an effective, cost-efficient manner.
Please select one of the following divisions for further information about the services provided by the Town of Munster:
Street Division - Potholes and minor repairs, street resurfacing, sidewalk repairs, ADA curb compliance, snow removal, street signs, street trees
Water Division - Fire hydrants, drainage, water leak, standing water
Sewer Division - Back-ups, sewer connections, service and locating sanitary sewer fee
We have lots of things for you to do in Munster! Explore our parks, visit our pool, play golf, ride our bike trails, view our Recreation Guide for the latest preschool, youth, sports, wellness, leisure activities, trips and our upcoming events.
We hope this site allows you to take advantage of the many programs and special events offered in our home town. We're excited about what Munster Parks and Recreation has to offer! We hope you are, too.
See you in the Parks!
To receive the latest information,
please follow us on Facebook and Instagram
or contact our office at (219) 836-7275.
Munster Parks and Recreation manages 345 acres of property; including 25 parks, 20 playgrounds, miles of trails, 9-hole golf course, community pool, community center, outdoor wedding ceremony venues, 16 outdoor shelters, a historical museum, 20 ball fields, 15 tennis courts, 7 basketball courts, 4 volleyball courts, 4 pickleball courts, 1 gaga ball court, and a 9-hole disc golf course.
Munster Parks and Recreation mission is to provide and maintain quality parks, facilities, natural space, programs and services which will enhance the physical, social and emotional
Munster Parks and Recreation offers a variety of accommodations on a rental basis: from beautiful Centennial Park and Heritage Park offering outdoor wedding ceremonies, to the Lions Club Social Center for casual events, to shelters for your family reunions and parties to outdoor picnic areas and private pool rentals.
Learn more about our rentals by reviewing the information below or contact the park office at (219) 836-7275 for your next special event.
The governing body of Munster is a five-member Town Council elected at large from districts for four-year terms. The Town is divided into five districts and each Council member resides in a different district. The Council annually elects one of its members as President.
The Council employs a Town Manager, approves an annual budget, authorizes expenditures, and appoints members of the Park Board, the Plan Commission, the Board of Zoning Appeals, the Board of Safety, and other advisory bodies. The Council has the power to make an establish ordinances and regulations as long as they do not conflict with the State. The Town Council also acts as the Redevelopment Commission.
Some of the Town Council's goals include:
To assure prudent use of the taxpayer's dollars.
To provide effective governance of the legislative and administration structure and programs necessary to deliver Town services.
To maintain and enhance the public's investment in the capital facilities and equipment required for delivery of Town services.
To encourage, assist, and sustain well-planned residential, commercial, and industrial growth.
To sustain and expand cooperative efforts with neighboring communities, governmental agencies, and other groups to accomplish mutual goals.
To maintain good communications with the citizens of Munster and sustain "Quality of Life" programs within the Town.
To develop a vision for the future of the Town. This vision is established in the Town's Strategic Plan.
Munster is governed by a five-person Town Council. The Town Council appoints a Town Manager, who is responsible for the day to day management of the town. The Town Manager is responsible for duties such as the hiring of personnel, administration of the Munster's bidding process, and the overseeing of all the town's various departments.
The Board of Safety oversees the Munster Police and Fire departments.
Board of Safety Members
Dr. Lorin M. Brown - Chairman
Jeffy Baffa - Vice Chairman
Dr. Robert Dershewitz
Linda Dunn
Matt Maloney
The Board of Safety meets every 3rd Tuesday of the month unless otherwise noted. Please check the calendar of events for current updates and cancellations.
Useful Links
Announcement of Executive Session Town Council 03/17/25
The Munster Town Council will conduct an executive session immediately following the scheduled Town Council and Redevelopment Commission meetings or 7:15 p.m. on Monday, March 17, 2025.
Office Hours: Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. WEATHER HOTLINE - For a recorded message about Munster Parks and Recreation programs, particularly those dependent on weather conditions, call the weather hotline at (219) 836-6927.